Nurses' Knowledge of Perceived Thrombophlebitis Risk Factors and Its Prevention Practice at A Teaching Hospital in Malaysia


  • Siti Nabilla Kamaruzaman
  • Siti Sarah Mohd Tarmizi
  • Syasya Syahirah Sadlan
  • Sofee Mohamed Akhlak UiTM


Perception, Risk factors, Practice, Thrombophlebitis, Prevention, Nurses


Thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of the blood vessel wall related to presence of intravenous access devices. It is vital for nurses to be knowledgeable and practice the preventive measures for thrombophlebitis. The aim for this study is to identify nurses’ knowledge on risk factors of thrombophlebitis, nurses’ practice on prevention of thrombophlebitis and its relationship at Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah (HASA). A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted among 120 nurses in selected ward at Hospital Al-Sultan Abdullah (HASA). A stratified random sampling followed by simple random sampling was used to recruit the samples. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed for data collection via Google form. The researchers used Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS vs.28) to analyze the frequency and percentage for level of knowledge and level of practice of nurses. For the relationship between nurses’ perception and practice on prevention of thrombophlebitis, Spearman Rho was used to analyze the data. The mean percentage of nurses’ knowledge was good 87.02 %, SD 8.27% and the mean percentage for nurses’ practice was also good 85.25 %, SD 8.28%. Besides, there was a significant but weak relationship between nurses’ perception and practice on preventing thrombophlebitis with the p-value <0.05. Nurses play a crucial part in preventing thrombophlebitis. Even though the knowledge and practice in this study were good, there are minority of respondents with low scores, thus nurses need to maintain and improve their knowledge and skills periodically to play a crucial role in preventing thrombophlebitis.




How to Cite

Kamaruzaman, S. N., Mohd Tarmizi, S. S., Sadlan, S. S., & Mohamed Akhlak, S. (2024). Nurses’ Knowledge of Perceived Thrombophlebitis Risk Factors and Its Prevention Practice at A Teaching Hospital in Malaysia. Healthscope: The Official Research Book of Faculty of Health Sciences, UiTM, 7(1), 132-135. Retrieved from


